Hey! 👋
My name is Michael, and I'm thrilled that you're here. Feel free to browse my collection of personal projects involving Android development, written works, and visual works.
Learn more ​about me​, if you want.
Python projects
I am motivated to learn Python because it is very practical and has a wide range of applications, from scheduling events and routines, robotics, and even artificial intelligence. As I learn Python, I will share my projects here as a portfolio of my work.

I typically host my Python projects on GitHub. If you click on one of the following projects, you will be redirected to GitHub.

Mad Libs

Click here to see the repository. This GitHub repository has a collection of stories I created with the Mad Libs format. Each story is a separate Python file. When opened, the program asks the user to input adjectives, nouns, or verbs, which are put together to finish the story. This story changes each time you play, as long as you provide different inputs.

DesignINT Chatbot

Click here to see the repository. This GitHub repository is an example chatbot I created for a fake interior design service. When the program runs, the chatbot interacts with the user and collects all the relevant information before transferring the user to the proper team.

Android projects
There's over three billion active Android devices around the world, so if I want to increase the positive impact I can have on people, learning Android development seemed like a good idea. I'm learning Kotlin and Jetpack Compose from Google's official codelabs. I haven't published any apps of my own to the Google Play Store yet, but I have achieved the Google Play Store Listing Certificate, so I am well-equipped for app publication when the time comes.

You can view a preview of my Android projects here, or you can click the link to see a detailed description

Dice Roller App

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Tip Calculator App

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Written work
I love writing, which is why I took the "Studies in Literature" and "Writer's Craft" (creative writing) electives in high school, in addition to the compulsory English courses. I've written short stories, poems, and analyses. I'm also currently writing a dystopian novel. Here are some of the works that I'm proud of.

Google Docs

The Last Letter

Short story

Google Docs

A Suburban Walk

A shorter story

Google Docs

Power and Corruption: An Animal Farm Analysis

An analysis of power in George Orwell's "Animal Farm"

Visual work
I enjoy exploring creative methods, so I have tried creating art in different mediums. Here are some works I'm particularly proud of.

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